Hello and welcome to the website Traveller Republik, a cyberspace dealing solely with the galaxy-spanning empires of human and alien civilizations using the Traveller format. This website is a collaborative effort and Traveller Republik (TrR) is seeking new authors to help create a Milky Way-wide story line: this includes aliens races (both new and old), technologies, planets, organizations, leaders (royal and otherwise), as well as everything and anything needed to run numerous galactic civilizations across an entire galaxy! There are over 2 million sectors to claim so message me to join up!
What is Traveller? Please check HERE, HERE, and HERE for a basic overview. This Traveller galaxy is so large that all systems are allowed/encouraged, from Classic Traveller, MegaTraveller, TNE, etc.
The CURRENT BLOG is located here. These are new, up to date items that I have been working on for this website. Feel free to come and collaborate! You can also follow the chick with the big boobs (Mereni) in her journey back home to the Urbanos Sector.
The largest human-dominated empire in the Lower Orion Arm is the Anciene Republik. The current date is slightly more than 100,000 years in our future and was started as a joint effort between (my good friend) Leroy Guatney and myself, Maxx Reverie. More information will be forthcoming as I copy the many pages Leroy and I compiled over the years and I look forward to any and all help possible in making this a successful website. Various sections on this page will include a Contact section, Bestiary, Ship’s Locker, Encounter sections and others. If you want to make an addition to the website, feel free to join the project!
The Author: I have been a Traveller fan for almost 30 years and look forward to working with others on this website. Creating a vast galaxy-wide Traveller universe is a daunting task, will you join me? Send me a message at idahobeef at yahoo if you would like to participate. Best wishes, Maxx
Click below for more information on unique technologies, Ships Locker items, the Bestiary, etc.